3 skills everyone needs to master to be a genius

Nabil Murad
2 min readJan 7, 2022

Society is good at training talent, but terrible at cultivating genius!

Skilled people are able to separate themselves in a way that others around them can’t. It takes hours and hours of practice to become really skilled. However, as Naval Ravikant highlights

“if you can be trained to do it, then you can be replaced”

There are three super skills that can foster another mode of excellence — Genius!

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most adaptable to change

Critical-Thinking Abilities

At a time that Nokia and BlackBerry dominated the market, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone. Jobs was met with scepticism, with one reporter stating that the keys were too small.

Jobs calmly replies, “you will learn to use them

Skilled individuals can hit targets that no one else can. Geniuses hit targets that no one else sees. That’s what Netflix and iPhone did.

Ability to Communicate

Emotions are key to understanding communication, and everything around us elicits an emotional response.

Disney understands this and uses a range of communication strategies to subconsciously communicate. From visual to odour cues, everything is designed to get customers to act.

Skilled individuals can communicate clearly, emphasising key points. Geniuses are able to adapt to their audiences’ emotions and influence behaviours. Stand-up comedians and Pixar are great at this.

Constant Learning

Having a growth mindset means that you are constantly staying in Beta mode!

A couple of months ago, most of us knew nothing about NFTs. Gary Vee recently revealed that he made $91m from NFT sales in 90 days, despite not knowing anything about NFTs 9 months ago. How?

People like Gary Vee and Elon Musk have growth mindsets. They are constantly learning and improving themselves.

Geniuses are able to learn from every interaction.

Master these 3 skills to separate yourself

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Nabil Murad

Full time professional youth basketball with an avid interest in meta-learning. Passionate about youth development, behavioural psychology and storytelling